We interviewed and conducted research with a number of growers to determine a base set of features.
For development speed we used Angular JS and Material libraries to build a functioning prototype. One of the key elements for this application was the need for it to be mobile responsive. We heard from growers that they frequently needed/want to check in on their grow an all times of the day or night. System or device failure is a common and frequent problem that if not caught immediately can have damaging effects on the crop.

The system was designed to use text and push notifications to let the user know when something was functioning outside of it's set thresholds or did not turn on/off when scheduled. One of the more popular features was the ability to see a live feed of the grow. Being able to see if the lights were on or off gave the growers the most piece of mind.

The interface was designed to be 100% customizable. The user can maximize/minimize each element to their preference as well as arrange the tiles in the order that is most important to them. The view represented here was the most popular arrangement with our testers.

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